

Honker Vehicle Successor In The Polish Army - Decisions Expected To Be Taken This Year. Deliveries Delayed.

Image Credit: st. chor. mar. A.Dwulatek/COM CAM DORSZ
Image Credit: st. chor. mar. A.Dwulatek/COM CAM DORSZ

The Armament Inspectorate announced that deliveries of the vehicles which are being acquired within the framework of the Mustang programme, the purpose of which is to select the successor of the Honker vehicles, shall begin in 2017. The above means that the programme in question is delayed, since initially, the deliveries had been planned to take place this year. Contractor is still expected to be selected in 2016.

According to the statement received by by Lt. Col. Małgorzata Ossolinska of the Armament Inspectorate, selection of the contractor, within the framework of the MUSTANG programme, the purpose of which is to realize procurement of high mobility utility vehicles, is going to be made until the end of this year. Deliveries are planned to be executed, starting from the year 2017.

Selection of the contractor and conclusion of the contract is planned to be finalized by the end of 2016, while the deliveries are scheduled to begin, starting from 2017.

Lt. Col. Małgorzata Ossolińska, Spokeswoman for the Armament Inspectorate

The earlier information had suggested that transfer of the vehicles, acquired within the discussed tender, is to be realized between 2016 and 2022. Deliveries will be thus delayed, in comparison with the initial plans made within that scope. Within the framework of the Mustang Programme, the Polish Army is going to, as the available information suggests, acquire 882 vehicles, including 841 armoured platforms, and 41 cars in a variant without any armour.

At the moment, the final analysis of the above mentioned requests is being carried out at the Armament Inspectorate, especially within the scope of the formal completeness of the submissions. The next stage, i.e. inviting the contractors to submit their initial offers, is dependent on potential need to ask the contractors to complement the placed submissions.

Lt. Col. Małgorzata Ossolińska, Spokeswoman for the Armament Inspectorate

New utility, highly mobile vehicles, will replace the Honker platform which is being currently operated by the Polish Army. Thirteen contractors have submitted requests, regarding the inclusion of their offer in the tender. According to Lt. Col. Ossolinska, the submissions are currently being analysed within the scope of their completeness. Invitation to place the final offers will constitute the next stage of proceedings. The tender is being realized in line with the Public Procurement Law, in a mode of negotiations with an additional announcement. The offered type of the vehicles is expected to become a subject of the aforesaid negotiations.

Read more: Poland Selects A Successor Of The Honker Vehicle. 880 Mustangs For The Polish Army 

Within the proceedings, the aim of which is to procure high mobility utility vehicles, a.k.a. Mustang, 13 potential contractors have submitted their requests, regarding the potential inclusion of their offers in the tendering procedure. The submitted requests come from the following companies: 1. Consortium: EdisonPolska; ANRO-TRADE Sp. J. Eksport-Import R. Walder i T. Walder; „PLUS-MINUS” U.P. Dziadosz S.C. 2. Zeszuta Sp. z o.o. 3. Szczęśniak Pojazdy Specjalne Sp. z o.o. 4. „Wawrzaszek ISS Spółka z ograniczoną odpowiedzialnością” Limited partnership 5. Joint proposal submitted by: Polski Holding Obronny Sp. z o. o. [Polish Defence Holding], together with Concept Sp. z o. o 6. Consortium: Autobox Sp. z o. o.; Auto Special Sp. z o. o. ; STEELER Marcin Piasecki 7. Consortium: Ursus S.A. ; AMZ-KUTNO Sp. z o. o. 8. Renault Trucks Defense. 9. Consortium: WB Electronics S.A.; Radmor S.A.; Aycomm Sp. z o.o. 10. Consortium: Fabryka Samochodów Honker Sp. z o.o.; Military Institute of Armament Technology 11. Consortium: Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa S.A. [Polish Armament Group]; Wojskowe Zakłady Motoryzacyjne S.A. [Military Automotive Works] 12. FRANZ ACHLEITNER Fahrzeugbau und Reifenzentrum GmbH; MULTIMOTORS Grzegorz Białozor 13. MMC Consulting S.C., on behalf of AM General LLC.

Lt. Col. Małgorzata Ossolinska, Spokeswoman for the Armament Inspectorate


