

Polish Ministry of Defence Prioritizes A Short Term Modernization Plan

  • Wizja artystyczna przedstawiająca pulsar. Ilustracja: NASA /
    Wizja artystyczna przedstawiająca pulsar. Ilustracja: NASA /

Minister Macierewicz indicated an ad-hoc need to create a short term technological modernization programme, covering the period of upcoming three years – as it was stated by Colonel Karol Dymanowski of the Polish Ministry’s of Defence Armament Policy Department, during the conference pertaining to the “Polish Defence and Industrial Strategy – Security and Competitiveness” report issued by the NCSS think tank. 

During his appearance at the press conference related to the discussion on topic tied to the NCSS report, Col. Karol Dymanowski, representing the Armament Policy Department of the Polish Ministry of Defence announced the decision taken during the briefing for the leadership of the Polish Ministry of Defence and the Armed Forces, on 25th April this year. During the meeting, Minister Antoni Macierewicz noted that there is a need to narrow down the current technological modernization plan, including 14 programmes at the moment, and create a concise, three year programme, covering only the most important prioritized directions of the modernization works.

According to Macierewicz, the priorities that are to shape the work undertaken by the Ministry, are as follows:

- Air Defence;

- Modernization of the armoured and mechanized components, with increased mobility;

- Acting against the naval threats;

- Cyber-security.

Accordingly, the Ministry already began analytical works related to the detailed shape of the selected modernization areas, and to selection of the potential plans to be realized, within the framework of that short-term plan. Regardless of the above, the remaining programmes are being analyzed and evaluated, in order to determine the stage at which they are now, and what is the current status of those programmes, also within the scope of funding. I think that these modernization programmes define the directions within which our industry shall be expanded. They also define the essential capacities to be expanded, and the niches in which the industry should operate independently, or in collaboration with other entities.

Col. Karol Dymanowski, Armament Policy Department at the Polish Ministry of Defence

The representative of the Ministry stated that at the moment the works undertaken by the Polish Ministry of Defence are being redefined, within the scope of collaboration with the Polish defence industry. This collaboration is going to be reshaped, from a supplier-customer relationship into a more collaborative and partnership-like form. This concerns both the tasks realized for the Polish Army, as well as the export initiatives.

Procedure pertaining to procurement, ordering and acquisition of the new equipment is also going to be redefined. If the procedural and HR/competency changes are not sufficient, as Col. Dymanowski stressed, further organizational transformation of the Ministry may be required. This may mean that the Ministry may not be ruling out creation of a new structure which would replace the existing Armament Inspectorate of the Polish Ministry of Defence. 


