
Armed Forces

Polish-German Armoured Personnel Carrier Is To Be Developed

  • Ilustracja: NASA/JPL-Caltech
    Ilustracja: NASA/JPL-Caltech

Polska Grupa Zbrojeniowa (Polish Armament Group), together with the OBRUM company, has signed an agreement with the German Rheinmetall Man Military Vehicles company, regarding a joint programme, the aim of which is be to develop a wheeled, 6x6, amphibious armoured personnel carrier.

The new vehicle is to be lighter than 20 tonnes and it is to be capable of transporting loads of at least 3500 kg. The signed agreement includes joint design works and development of the prototypes – these tasks are going to be realized by the PGZ, OBRUM and RMMV companies together.

Polish Armament Group states that the vehicle is going to be developed on the basis of the experience gathered during the asymmetric warfare operations, and it is going to have a high level of protection for its interior. The project is being realized in order to deliver a potential successor of the soviet-made BRDM-2 carriers, within the scope of the LOTR programme (Lekki Opancerzony Transporter Rozpoznania – Light Armoured Reconnaissance-Capable Carrier).

The Polish-German vehicle is to have amphibious capabilities. It is going to be manufactured within the territory of Poland, and it is to have a capacity of being used as a reconnaissance vehicle. Both the carrier, as well as its specialized variants, are to be a part of the export offer which is to be created by both PGZ and Rheinmetall.

Encouraged by the success of the Rosomak APC, we began another, ambitious project. New armoured carrier is going to constitute a result of this initiative.

President of the Polish Armament Group, Wojciech Dąbrowski

President of the Polish Armament Group, Wojciech Dąbrowski, stresses the fact that the group has started a process the aim of which is to create a new armoured carrier, due to the success achieved by the Rosomak APC. Dąbrowski emphasizes the importance of the signed memorandum, since it constitutes an evidence that PGZ is capable of being involved in cooperation with the leading enterprises of the defence sector.



