
Armed Forces

Polish Army Purchases Digital Communication Centres

  • P. o. administratora NASA Robert Lightfoot omawia propozycję budżetu Agencji na rok 2018. Fot. NASA/Bill Ingalls via
    P. o. administratora NASA Robert Lightfoot omawia propozycję budżetu Agencji na rok 2018. Fot. NASA/Bill Ingalls via

The Armament Inspectorate has completed its negotiations related to acquisition of 9 RWŁC-10/T mobile digital communication centres.  Value of the contract is as much as PLN 31.2 million. The new equipment is to be delivered by a consortium consisting of Military Communication Works No. 1 (Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności nr 1) and the Transbit company. 

Negotiations related to the above-mentioned deal have been going on since October 2014. The Inspectorate resigned from a tender procedure in order to unify the newly acquired equipment with the devices which have been used by the Army so far. RWŁC-10/T vehicles have been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Polish Army, and they are being used by the military both within the Polish territory as well as during the deployments abroad.

This is the reason for selecting the contractor which has already provided such command and communication equipment for the Ordering Party. Company which is to deliver the new vehicles is a consortium formed by Transbit and Military Communication Works  No. 1 (Wojskowe Zakłady Łączności nr 1).

RWŁC-10/T Mobile Digital Communication Centre is equipped, in its basic standard, with 3 radios, with a range of 50 km and bandwidth of 34 MB/s. Side interfaces make it possible to interconnect the RWŁC-10/T centre with wired digital communication networks via digital tracts or packet connections. In case of the 9 vehicles, which are being currently ordered, the carrier vehicle has been changed within the scope of unifying the composition of heavy-duty vehicles which are being used by the Polish Army. Instead of STAR trucks, Jelcz 422.32 vehicles  with a 4-person cabin are going to be used here. 


