

Mobile Shooting Range from Tarnów. "Offer for Territorial Defence Training Support"

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    Fot. NASA/JPL-Caltech
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    Fot. damn_unique / Flickr
  • Iskander launcher with ballistic missiles. At least one of the variants may have a range of up to 700 kilometers. Image Credit:
    Iskander launcher with ballistic missiles. At least one of the variants may have a range of up to 700 kilometers. Image Credit:
  • Fot.
  • <p>Fot.</p>

Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów S.A. company has modified its container-based shooting range that had been previously developed, which would make it possible to utilize the system for the purpose of firearm training involving the 5.56 mm Beryl and Mini-Beryl assault rifles. Representatives of the company claim, that the said product would greatly facilitate and enhance training for the Territorial Defence units. “Our product has been developed also with the newly formed Territorial Defence branch of the Army in mind”, as it was stated by Mariusz Rusnak, Manager of the Container-based Systems Department at the ZM Tarnów S.A. company.

The container-based shooting range, designed by ZM Tarnów, has been, predominantly, developed to accommodate pistol and machine pistol training, with weaponry calibres of up to .45 and 9 mm respectively in mind. The designers have changed the material technology though, allowing for firing 5.56 mm assault rifles inside. The 5.56×45 mm NATO round is the primary type of ammunition applied in case of the individual firearms used by the Polish soldiers.

During the recent years, numerous Polish shooting ranges were being closed down, also for safety reasons, especially in the urbanized areas. Currently, as each county is going to have its own Territorial Defence company formed, there, most of the training for the unit is going to take place there as well. Our product has been developed also with the newly formed Territorial Defence branch of the Army in mind. The Container-based Shooting Range, tailored for using the 5.56×45 mm NATO rounds, will make it possible to conduct firearms training at a relatively low cost, as procurement of a single system of this type is limited to around one million zlotys.

Mariusz Rusnak, Manager of the Container-based Systems Department at the ZM Tarnów S.A. company.

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Fot. Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów/Materiały prasowe

As noted by the Manager of the Container-based Systems Department at the ZM Tarnów company, Mariusz Rusnak, the changes were implemented also with the training programmes for the newly formed Territorial Defence units in mind. Most of the training carried out by the elements stationed in each county is to take place on-site, however, the number of the available shooting ranges is critically limited now, which has been mentioned by Grzegorz Kwaśniak PhD, during his speech in the Polish Parliament, back in March. Kwaśniak is the MoD’s representative, when it comes to the issues related to the Territorial Defence branch of the Army.

Shooting Ranges. This is yet another infrastructural problem. Here, we are facing more, couple, or even several years of lag. We will be making use of the shooting ranges adjacent to the military units. In most part, such shooting ranges exist. Obviously, the number is limited. On average, we have 2, 3, maybe 4 shooting ranges per voivodeship. Obviously, this number is low, but here, we have no other choice. It, most certainly, takes 3 to 4 years to create a shooting range, and it costs several million zlotys. Time and money are the main limitations.

Grzegorz Kwaśniak PhD

In his interview for, Mariusz Rusnak stresses the fact that using the container-based shooting ranges would make it possible to conduct the firearm training activities locally. Moreover, the said shooting ranges are mobile, which makes using them possible for more than one unit. 

I would like to note that the container-based ranges are transportable, which means that several elements could use a single system of this type, interchangeably. At the moment, the ranges are tailored to the 5.56×45 mm NATO round which is the primary round applied in case of the individual firearms used by the Polish soldiers. Should a need arise to tailor the range for using the Kalashnikov-system weapons, we are open to any requests that could be submitted by the Ordering Party. However, training related to support weaponry, here I mean the PK/PKM or UKM-2000 machine guns, must be founded on the infrastructure which would be much more expansive.

Mariusz Rusnak, Manager of the Container-based Systems Department at the ZM Tarnów S.A. company.

The modified Tarnów-manufactured range will be longer – 12.5 meters increase of length is expected. Moreover, using the multimedia training simulator, the shooting distance, both in case of the live rounds, as well as with the use of the laser simulators, may be optically  lengthened up to 200 meters. Furthermore, as the representatives of the company suggest, the implemented solutions make it possible for the trainees to acquire proper safety habits, when using the firearms. 

Thanks to the new visualization systems and software, the shooting range also makes it possible to carry out training within the scope of acting against a wide variety of targets: stationary, moving and active threats. What is more, the officers and armed services using the system will have an option of changing the training programmes, depending on the relevant needs. 

Photo: ZM Tarnów

Finally, the system has also been tailored for training involving the night vision systems, such as the MU-3M monoculars designed by PCO S.A. The lighting system features a smooth dimmer. Gun replicas with simulated recoil may also be used, during the training activities conducted at the container-based range, which makes it possible to limit the cost of the training carried out. The equipment of the shooting range allows the instructor to pause or repeat the displayed scenarios, and to record the training in progress. The system has been developed with experience and expertise gathered by the shooting instructors in mind, the knowledge was received both from the instructors of the Armed Forces, as well as from those hailing from the uniformed services. The range may also be used by the civilians, also for the purpose of conducting shooting sport training activities.

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Fot. ZM Tarnów.

The container shooting range offered by ZM Tarnów S.A. has been certified for its safety, both within the scope of the bullet traps, as well as when it comes to the applied technologies. The air conditioning module features an air conditioning cooler utilizing a heat pump system. This is going to make it possible to limit the consumption of energy and CO2 emissions. 

The representatives of the company note that acquisition of the container-based shooting ranges could expand the capabilities remaining at hand of the Armed Forces or uniformed services,  but also such systems could increase the general awareness and firearms knowledge and skills of an average citizen. Potential acquisition of shooting ranges that could be used for the purpose of training the Territorial Defence company-sized units, based across the counties, could also entail sharing those systems with the Police Officers, for instance, paving the way towards increasing the firearms skills of that formation – especially in the light of the fact that one of the possible scenarios considered assumes that the armament would be stored at the County Police HQs.

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Fot. Zakłady Mechaniczne Tarnów/Materiały prasowe

Norbert Kaczmarczyk, MP of the Kukiz’15 movement, started to gather signatures, for the purpose of implementing a petition, requesting that a single container-based shooting range is acquired for every county. This could serve a purpose of preparing the citizens better for possible crises, with consideration given to the threats related to the conflicts in Ukraine or in the Middle East. The Poles would gain greater awareness, their firearm training would be improved, which would also be translated into better skills of defending themselves, and increased national security. The project described above creates a huge opportunity for the ZM Tarnów and PGZ companies, which are both tasked with delivering solutions and armament for the Territorial Defence units. The initiative has also been endorsed by the President of the association, Grzegorz Matyasik.



