

Cooperation with the US Partner Enhancing the WZE S.A.’s Expertise [Defence24 TV]

“Harris Engineers were very open to us. Training was not limited just to the programme implemented in the US. At all times we remain in touch with our American partners through regular teleconferences” - Karol Marciniak, head of the GCA2000 maintenance division at WZE S.A. clarifies. 

GCA2000, aside from a new aviation-related field of business, translates, for WZE, into a technological leap in the field of radars. Until now, the company [only] had competencies for systems based on a central amplifier and passive radiolocation systems.

Karol Marciniak, Head of the GCA2000 Maintenance Division, WZE S.A.


Thanks to [the] intensive training in the USA and [to the] transfer of special equipment and tech software, WZE acquired capabilities associated with servicing, modernizing and partial production of radar systems based on active TR modules.

Karol Marciniak, Head of the GCA2000 Maintenance Division, WZE S.A.



