

I3TO Award For PCO S.A

  • Ilsutracja: NASA
    Ilsutracja: NASA

PCO S.A received the award in the “Innovations for the Polish Armed Forces” competition, organized by the Inspectorate of Implementation of Innovative Defence Technologies (I3TO). The awards were presented with additional involvement on the part of the Polish Military University of Technology.

The company was presented with the 1st Degree Award in the “industry” category. The awarded product is the KLW-1 ASTERIA thermal vision camera. Ryszard Kardasz, President of the Board of the PCO S.A company, received the award on behalf of the firm.

The main assumption of the “Innovations for the Polish Armed Forces” competition is to distinguish and highlight the innovative solutions that are being developed in the field of defence and security. The competition may involve the domestic companies, scientific institutions and legal persons, all of whom make contributions to expansion of the potential of the Polish Army.

The awards were presented during a Gala, which took place in 2nd March 2016. The event involved the Secretary of State at the Polish Ministry of Defence, Bartosz Kownacki, along with representatives of the Polish Ministry of Defence and the Army.  Deputy Minister Kownacki assumed a role of the patron of the competition.


