

HSW President: Automation is the Future of Artillery and Modern Battlefield [Defence24 TV]

HSW designers and management are already thinking about the future, and about the domains where the artillery is going to grow, about what the needs of the future are going to be (…) The future of the modern artillery and of the modern battlefield is going to involve automation of the command processes and of the combat activities as well – said the HSW S.A. President of the Management Board, Bartłomiej Zając.

President of the Management Board at HSW, Bartłomiej Zając, told us about studies and developmental works related to the Rak mortar, among other systems.

It seems that all of the studies we are carrying out are headed towards automation of processes: be it loading, firing or command-related; this also includes unmanned systems. Both when it comes to the turret module, as well as in case of the carrier platform itself. So, not disclosing any details when it comes to progress of those studies, one can sum it up and say that further automation of our mortar is in progress, so that the system obtains a higher level of autonomy and increased rate of fire, and tactical and technical parameters.

President of the Management Board at HSW, Bartłomiej Zając



