

60% of the Residents of Crimea Want the Territory to Belong to Ukraine Again

  • Wizyta Prezydenta RP Bronisława Komorowskiego na Ukrainie- fot.
    Wizyta Prezydenta RP Bronisława Komorowskiego na Ukrainie- fot.

According to the journalists who are involved in the Radio Svoboda’s “Crimea. Reality” project, 61% of residents of the Crimean Peninsula have expressed their will – the peninsula shall be re-included in the Ukrainian territory. This data has been gathered in an online poll. Only 19% of the citizens were in favour of making Crimea a part of Russia.

The Internet survey regarding the potential social view has been carried out by the “Crimean Pravda” newspaper, which is being biased towards supporting the occupation government. The main question of the survey read as follows: “How would you answer the question of the general, Crimean referendum today?”. The poll had been published on 5th Marcch. On Monday, 9th March,  according to the statistical data gathered on 8:00 AM, 4510 persons decided to vote.

Out of that number, 19% - i.e. 874 participants – would like the Crimean territory to be incorporated into Russia, while 61%, 2745 persons, would like the Crimean Peninsula to achieve “wider rights of Crimea under the Ukrainian jurisdiction”. 20% - 890 persons – would not vote in the referendum.

The results described above may be the reason for the fact that, starting from yesterday noon,  the “Crimean Pravda” website is no longer online.


