

Fights Near Mariupol Are Intensified. More Victims Of The Conflict.

  • Oficjalny logotyp misji OA-7. Ilustracja: Orbital ATK
    Oficjalny logotyp misji OA-7. Ilustracja: Orbital ATK

During the Tuesday evening, the separatists supported by Russia started an intensive shelling of the Ukrainians stationed in the vicinity of Mariupol.

According to the confirmed information, at 7:45 PM an intensive shelling of the village of Shyrokine, near Mariupol, started. Mortars, tanks and artillery were utilized during that attack. As Andriy Khomanchuk, one of the Ukrainian soldiers serving in the 79th Brigade of the Ukrainian Army, stated via his facebook account: “there is no peace within the whole section between the villages of Hranytne and Shyrokine”.

The fights on Tuesday were also going on in the northern part of the front-line, within the Luhansk district. As the governor of the Luhansk district, Gyennadiy Moskal, stated just before 8 PM, 4 Ukrainian soldiers were killed by this time, two of them were wounded, and one of the wounded was in a critical condition. 

“In the afternoon, near Katerinivka and Stakhanov, both of which are located exactly on the demarcation line, fights between the terrorists and the Ukrainians began. In the beginning the rebels shelled our positions from the direction of Stakhanov and Pervomaysk, they used mortars and artillery, and later a direct confrontation took place” - as the Moskal’s release stated.


