
Armed Forces

Radars For The Czech RBS-70 NG Launchers.

Czech Ministry of Defence plans to acquire two ReVISOR radars manufactured by the domestic Retia company. The procurement is going to be covered with an amount of CZK 140 million (USD 5.6 million). The radars are going to be used to track and detect targets for the Saab RBS-70 NG VSHORAD system, which has already been acquired in October. 

ReVISOR radars are used to detect and track airborne targets within the range of up to 30 kilometres, at altitudes of up to 5 kilometres, with a 360 degrees of coverage. The antenna of the X-band radar is placed on a mechanically deployed mast. The system may be included in the digital command and data exchange networks. The radar station is additionally integrated with a GPS and an IFF [Identification Friend-or-Foe] systems. The whole station is placed on a single-axle trailer, however there is also an option of fitting the system onto an all-terrain vehicle.

The capabilities of the ReVISOR radar are suited to be utilized together with the Saab RBS-70 NG anti-aircraft system, using the BOLIDE missiles. Both ReVISOR radars are going to be received by the 252nd Anti-Aircraft Squadron, belonging to the 25th Anti-Aircraft Regiment from Strakonice, using four systems of this time already.

252nd Squadron is a part of NATO Response Force, it consists of four batteries, with two using the RBS-70NG systems. Two remaining batteries are still using the post-Soviet Strela-10M self propelled launchers which – throughout the upcoming decade – are to be successively replaced with the Swedish RBS-70NG systems.


